Drink Coasters

We finished our first beer and went outside so she could smoke a cigarette. Looking back after the fact, she may have meant for us to leave at that point, but my self-doubt magic 8-ball said, “Unlikely.”

Pretty Kitty

Here we sit, squarely into 2022 and not a damn thing has changed. World is ending. Gas is too expensive. Online profiles are useless especially for dating. Clearly, I’m in a great mood this evening.

Year End Accounting pt. 2

Man. I took Boodah to multiple concerts, movies, and anywhere I possibly could. He was so well behaved that when I took him to Santa Fe Brewery to see Atmosphere, Brother Ali, and Dem Atlas, that Boodah refused to pee on the tree inside the outdoor venue. Nah seriously. He waited until we got out the gate and peed on the fence post.