Dyllan James

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October Three

Last night finally broke the nearly two year quarantine from truly public events like a concert. I bailed on the Atmosphere and Cyprus Hill concert in August. I didn’t feel comfortable at the time due to the Covid Delta strain surge currently fucking the entire country. I got feedback from folks online that said I should go to the concert because of various justifiable reasons. They weren’t necessarily wrong in the advice, but I didn’t feel comfortable at the time. Nobody was quite sure how Delta was going to impact life. And for those affected by it, fuck man. That shit isn’t a joke.

For me though, I’ve done the things. I got vaccinated immediately after it became available. No, seriously. I was signed up to get it in December 2020. I still ended up getting it as one of the first 5000 people in the state to receive it. I figured if I got it and had a reaction, I would be able to protect my friends and family. I figured if I got it and didn’t have a reaction, I would be able to protect my friends and family. Either way it was the choice I made to take that responsibility for them. I would use myself as example to either stay far far away from it, or to get the vaccine because the benefits far outweigh feeling poopy for a weekend.

I’m not here to get into the whole covid and vaccine debate. I’m really not. There’s a lot of misinformation and willful ignorance going around. Nobody wants to be told or made to feel like they’re dumb and that is going to do fuck all to accomplish convincing someone you are correct and right about something. I think everyone should get vaccinated. I think it should be mandatory based on your profession. It’s the same type of thing where jobs have physical standards for lifting, bending, twisting; background checks; polygraph tests; physical fitness requirements and testing; etc.

There’s a significant difference between a reasonable accommodation to refuse medical care of any nature due to religious beliefs. I’m all for that shit. You want to make a choice to not get vaccinated? Great. Do it with the best information available. Don’t go off of what someone read and that wrote an article about. Go talk to actual virologists, pharmacists, chemists, and doctors. Go talk to people that have dedicated their lives to understanding that science.

You wouldn’t go to a big box electronic store asking for information on computer coding and programming. Those folks at the store certainly do know their shit, within their scope of support. It’s the difference between Geek Squad looking at your computer to see why grandpa can’t save a file and Microsoft engineers looking at what part of the code is corrupted and causing the program to crash.

It’s a completely different fucking conversation.

Look, make your choice, but do it to the best of your ability. Learn about peer-reviewed research vs ‘discredited’ resources. They’re probably discredited for a fucking reason. And that reason seldom comes from ‘speaking the real truth they don’t want you to hear.’ I get it man. Governments can’t be trusted. But I sure as fuck any trusting some god damn quack on a facebook video saying any and all counter evidence is fake.

That’s like the fucking kid on the playground that swears up and down that you didn’t tag them while playing. It’s the kid that always dodges like he’s fuckin Neo in The Matrix. You could smack them square in the chest with a Nerf sword and they would make some shit up about herd immunity protecting them.

Shut the fuck up. Get your shot. Or don’t. But stop spewing ignorant shit and claiming self virtue.