Dyllan James

View Original

January 14, 2016 5:08a

Oh, hi there, Oxygen

Been a while since I've seen you 'round

My friend


Oh, hi there, Oxygen

Don't know how long it's been

My friend


Oh, hi there, Oxygen

Please put some colour in my skin



My fingers have swelled and turned as blue as Violet in the Chocolate Factory from choking on the blood of a thousand bites on an ever-sharp tongue that rings and echoes and calls out in garbled silence against the roaring backdrop of leveled charges and misunderstandings landing like Buzz-bombs over London and the glow of Dresden burning to lighten the mood of Death-screams, explosions, and crying juxtaposed against the 20th century's “Total War” re-enactment of The Great Library of Alexandria thus forever obliterating innumerable insights into the interpretations and understandings of the natural, prehistoric, and 'civilized' worlds of old that may have held the keys to every door closed to modern technological innovation and advancement in tandem with bringing about a new Philosophical Renaissance and social enlightenment.


Oh, hi there, Oxygen

Back again so soon?

Till when? And then?


Oh, hi there, Oxygen

I still don't know how

Long it's been


Oh, hi there, Oxygen

You see, I thought you left me when she took my breath away like all of a sudden the door opened and you jettisoned out the escape hatch like the right droids in the worst place at the best time to evade the clutches of darkness to become a dark crutch to clutch in the hopes of not needing one but holding on for dear life to the edge of a solid wood door with room for two in iceberg-flavored water while the soundtrack plays on loop on loop on loop hearkening back to the foundations of a musical mysticism that provided a context to construct the concrete contradictions of character to and through a distorted piecemeal-tatter of a quilt with borders left yet undefined while becoming all that more scripted and standardized to fill a lyrical framework of miscalculated misconception and misdirection mistakenly enacted and erected in the hopes of someday not fearing hope itself while I lost track of time and space holding my breath.

The world never stopped bringing us one day closer to...